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  • How much is in the treasury and what is the overall budget look like?

    Financially, Dryden has $1.7M in the bank and we’ve budgeted for 12 months of G&A and have funds to cover an expanded IR program and summer field program.

  • Is there a potential JV in the near term for efficiencies or is the key focus on drilling?

    We do have some opportunities with our 100% owned Cross River property, Kenorland Minerals Ltd. is our neighbour – there may be some collaboration there. 

    We are looking for a strategic partner, but a joint venture opportunity is a possibility for Dryden Gold to finance the development of this project. 

  • Will you be raising money this year?

    Market dependent, we’re not forced to do another raise at the moment but will be doing a financing in the future for our next drill program. 

  • How much of a buffer is built into the budget if market conditions don’t improve?

    We have budgeted 12-months worth of G&A which takes us to April 2025 and there isn’t a lot of flexibility. Our summer program needs $300,000 this year from our flow-through funds. We feel that if we make progress this summer, and market conditions improve that we have the budget and hard dollars in the bank that we could put together a small drill program utilizing flow-through dollars at a premium compared to the market price.

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