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  • Why are you doing a resampling and relogging program?

    The previous operator selectively sampled the core based on their bias or theory of what could host gold mineralization. We have seen through our work that other rock types can host gold mineralization. Relogging give us the chance to fill in the gaps, where there was previously no information on the amount of gold and to make new observations about what is controlling the gold mineralization.

  • Can you elaborate what the next steps will be after you have finished the relogging and resampling?

    After the core has been relogged, assay results will start coming back of the newly sampled sections of core. We will use the new data to update our geological interpretation of the gold system and come up with new drill targets.

  • What are the geological similarities to Red Lake? 

    Similar geometry of regional folding and structural framework.

    Similar host rocks for gold mineralization.  

    Similar age of rocks and mineralization.  

  • Can you explain your technical team’s experience at Red Lake? 

    Maura worked in the Red Lake camp for 8 years. She was a mine site – reserve and resource replacement exploration geologist than became the Exploration Manager for 5 years. Maura managed the mine site and regional exploration for the Red Lake Mine under Goldcorp, Newmont and Evolution mining before taking the role as Director of Regional Exploration for Battle North.

  • Explain the potential of the mineralization and geological structure at Elora and BM1 and BM2?

    These three mineralized structures appear to host multiple high-grade shoots. We believe the high-grade shoots are controlled by the intersection of two different structures.

  • What is the depth of the overburden and any possibility for any stripping and trenching in certain areas?

    Overburden depths very throughout the property.

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