Gold Rock Project Image

Gold Rock Project

Brownfields and Greenfields Targets

  • Follow up down plunge extension on high-grade structures at Gold Rock
  • Follow up on the strike extension of the high-grade structures at Gold Rock
  • Further explore new anomalies at Mosher Bay fault intersection target
  • Test regional geophysical targets through mapping, prospecting and till sampling

Near Surface High-grade Gold Across the Property

Gold Rock Camp Drill Highlights

  • 30.72 g/t gold over 5.70 meters
  • 15.17 g/t gold over 6.95 meters
  • 15.4 g/t gold over 6.1 meters
  • 26.11 g/t gold over 3.16 meters, including 79.80 g/t gold over 0.33 meters
  • 6.66 g/t gold over 4.30 meters, including 44.80 g/t gold over 0.27 meters
  • 3.81 g/t gold over 7.00 meters, including 71.00 g/t gold over 0.30 meters
  • 53.51 g/t gold over 1.05 meters, including 181.00 g/t gold over 0.30 meters
  • 3,497.0 g/t gold over 8.5 meters *historic hole* including 53,700 g/t gold over 0.55 meters

Hyndman Field Samples

  • 34.8 g/t gold grab sample 2024
  • 13.0 g/t gold grab sample 2023
  • 12.3 g/t gold grab sample 2023
  • 10.9 g/t gold grab sample 2023
  • 6.41 g/t gold grab sample 2024

Sherridon Drill Highlights

  • 7.7 g/t gold over 3.0 meters *historic hole*, including 46.0 g/t gold over 0.5 meters
  • 15.4 g/t gold over 5.5 meters *historic hole*, including 83.1 g/t gold over 1.0 meters

Sherridon Field Samples

  • 617.0 g/t gold grab sample (historic)
  • 184.5 g/t gold grab sample (historic)
  • 123.0 g/t gold grab sample (historic)
  • 122.5 g/t gold grab sample (historic)

2025 Drill Program Objectives

  1. Expand on the high-grade structure on the Elora Gold System
  2. Test new targets along strike and at depth at Gold Rock
  3. Test Highly Prospective Regional Targets

2024 Drill Program Overview (Phases 1-6)

phase 6 drill program

Highlights Include:
  • Hole KW-24-026 intercepted the mineralized zone at approximately 190 meters from surface and returned 5.92 g/t gold over 12.34 meters, including 19.43 g/t gold over 1.74 meters and 42.40 g/t gold over 0.50 meters.
  • Hole KW-24-028 was drilled 60 meters northeast along strike at hole KW-24-026 and returned 3.88 g/t gold over 13.81 meters, including 12.51 g/t gold over 3.50 meters and 10.60 g/t over 0.51 meters.
  • KW-24-029 was drilled 90 meters northeast along strike of hole KW-24-026 intercepting 4.17 g/t gold over 5.75 meters, including 17.30 g/t gold over 1.18 meters.
  • Hole KW-24-027 was drilled 20 meters deeper than KW-24-026 and intercepted 0.91 g/t gold over 16.55 meters.
Figure 1

Phase 5 Drill Program

Highlights include:
  • Hole KW-24-017 intercepted 30.72 g/t gold over 5.70 meters, including its highest-ever intercept of 313.00 g/t over 0.55 meters (Table 1).
  • Hole KW-24-024 intercepted 8.93 g/t gold over 12.45 meters, including 32.96 g/t gold over 2.73 meters at Elora. in addition, this hole intercepted a hanging wall structure that returned 1.67 g/t gold over 2.75 meters, including 8.41 g/t gold over 0.43 meters.
  • Phase 5 drilling has been completed. Remaining drill results are expected in the coming weeks.  This phase consisted of nine holes totaling 1,598 meters focused on the depth expansion at Elora and Big Master 1 gold systems and infill drilling at Big Master 2
  • Video summaries of our released drill holes can be found here.
Table 1
Elora Gold Structure:
  • Four holes have been completed to test the extension of the Elora gold system along the high-grade plunge.
  • Hole KW-24-008 reported earlier this year returned multiple intercepts of both quartz veining and sulphide mineralization returning 14.10 g/t gold over 7.54 meters including 43.81 g/t gold over 1.42 meters and 92.10 g/t gold over 0.30 meters.
  • Hole KW-24-017 reported here, intersected mineralization 30 meters deeper and 45 meters along strike of hole KW-24-008 (Figure 1). 
  • The zone intersected in hole KW-24-017 is located at 220 meters true depth and consisted of pyrite mineralization and quartz veins within sheared volcanics. Adjacent to the mineralization zone a felsic dyke was observed which is hypothesized to be a correlated to the gold bearing event and was observed in the majority of the high-grade holes in the Gold Rock Camp. 
  • Two additional holes (KW-24-024 and KW-24-025) were drilled as part of the Phase 5 program focused on the plunge extension of hole KW-24-017 with assays pending
Figure 1: Elora Target Contoured Long section
Figure 2 – Plan map of Gold Rock Camp with mineralized structures.

Phase 4 Drill Program

Highlights include:
  • KW-24-013 assays 0.74 g/t gold over 10.50 meters
  • For a video summary of drill results, please click here

Phase 3 Drill Program

The program can be defined with three specific objectives:
  1. Evaluate high-grade controls on the Elora system
  2. Complete extensional holes from the known mineralization
  3. Test larger step-out holes along strike of the Elora gold system
Highlights include:
  • KW-24-008 intercepted 14.10 g/t gold over 7.54 meters, including 43.81 g/t gold over 1.42 meters and 92.10 g/t gold over 0.30 meters.
  • KW-24-003 intercepted 53.51 g/t gold over 1.05 meters, including 181.00 g/t gold over 0.30 meters.
  • For a video summary of drill results, please click here.

Phase 1 & 2 Drill Program

  • Successfully interested new high-grade shoot on BM1​
  • KW-23-009A intersecting 26.11 g/t gold over 3.16 m, including 79.80 g/t gold over 0.33 m​
  • Confirmed 1.5 km strike length on the Big Master gold system – open in all directions​
    • Significant step-out to the northeast of 450 m KW-23-004 returning 3.40 g/t gold over 1.60 m ​
    • KW-23-010 intersecting 3.70 g/t gold over 6.00 m, including 10.60 g/t gold over 0.4 m ​
  • Confirmed orientation and expanded historically delineated high-grade shoot ​
    • KW-23-016 which intersected 3.81 g/t gold over 7.00 m, including 71.00 g/t gold over 0.30 m
    • KW-23-018 intersecting 6.66 g/t gold over 4.30 m, including 44.80 g/t gold over 0.27 m
Cross Structures
  • Several holes were focused on testing the controls on high-grade shoot orientation caused by intersection of structures (lineation) and fold hinge orientation.
  • Previous drilling indicated the potential for these new high-grade shoots, but the continuity and orientation of the potential shoots had not been previously tested.

3 New High-Grade Shoots Identified:
  • KW-23-009A returned 26.11 g/t gold over 3.16 m, including 79.80 g/t gold over 0.33 m BM1
  • KW-23-010 intersected 3.70 g/t gold over 6.0 m including 10.60 g/t gold over 0.40 m BM2
  • KW-23-016 returned 3.81 g/t gold over 7.00 m, including 71.00 g/t gold over 0.30 m
Cross Section Looking W N
Hg Shoots


Geophysical Interpretation & Targets

  • The geophysical interpretation highlighted many anomalies over known mineralization and over unexplored areas
  • 3D geological model shows multiple East-West splay structures occurring around historic gold mines & occurrences in the Gold Rock Camp
  • Geophysical anomalies occur over known mineralized zones
  • Geophysical targets indicated potential for 20km strike along the MDdz in the Gold Rock Camp

Bulk Sample Highlights

Excellent Bulk Sample Results & Metallurgy

  • Single gravity separation recovered 88.6%
  • Bulk cyanidation test recovered 99.4% for the composite
  • A total of 17 chip samples, over 13.6 linear meters yielded a length weighted average grade of 40.2 g/t gold
  • Individual chip samples ranged from 0.05 to 1,070 g/t gold drill cuttings samples over a 30-metre section of the vein yielded an average grade of 5.4 g/t gold.
  • Individual drill cuttings yielded grades ranging from 0.02 to 65.1 g/t gold

Gold Concentration in “Crackseal” Fractures

Gold is concentrated in the “crackseal” fractures and in selvedges along the quartz vein margins. Calcite filled fractures within quartz veins also carry gold. Narrow gold-bearing semi-massive sulphide filled fractures within fissile zones also contain significant gold values. Pervasive ferroan carbonate alteration, disseminated sulphides, and very small barren quartz veinlets characterize the fissile zones.

Sulphides are predominantly pyrite, with variable amounts of chalcopyrite. The gold tenor appears to be related to the quantity of pyrite present in the wall rock and in veins.

Geology Gold Rock Camp
Area 1

Historic Hole: 53,700 g/t gold over 0.55 meters

Geology Gold Rock Camp
Area 2

Gold Rock Regional Exploration

Dryden Gold’s Resource Pipeline

Elora Target Contoured Long section (Looking Northwest)

Plan Map of Elora Gold System at the Gold Rock Camp with Mineralized Structures

Geophysical Interpretation & Targets

Visible Vein Where Bulk Samples Were Taken

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